Now showing items 1-10 of 99
Community measures affecting tourism (1995/96). Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
(EU Commission, 1997-07-02)
This report, which presents an overview of Community measures affecting tourism undertaken in 1995/96, is presented in accordance with Article 5 of the Council Decision. 92/421/EEC of 13 July 1992 on Community actions to ...
Community policies and measures affecting tourism. Communication from the Commission.
(European Communities, 1992-05-27)
The horizontal aspect of tourism has been amply underlined both by the Commission, when it adopted the Community action plan to assist tourism, and by all the other Community institutions. The links between the tourist ...
Community measures affecting tourism (Council Decision 92/421/EEC). Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee.
(European Communities, 1994-04-06)
'fhe Council, in its Decision 92/421/EEC of I J July 1992,( 1) has co~ firmed the appropriateness· of undertaking actions on tourism at Community level in order to strengthen the horizontal approach to tourism in Community ...
Community measures affecting tourism. (Council Decision 92/421/EEC). Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.
(EU Commission, 1996-02-05)
The purpose of this report is to establish an overview of the Community's activities which affect tourism, focusing on the operational year 1994, in line with the Council's Decision n° 92/42 1/EEC of 13.7.199i, which ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina: the priority reconstruction program: from emergency to sustainability.
(European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Central Europe Department of the World Bank for the Donor Information Meeting, 1997-01-09)
One year after the signature of the Dayton-Paris Peace Agreement, taking stock of the reconstruction program and its start-up is both timely and appropriate. There is significant progress to report: improvements in living ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina: the priority reconstruction program: 1996 achievements and 1997 objectives
(European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Central Europe Department of the World Bank for the Donor Information Meeting, 1997-03)
Almost a year and a half ago, the international community pledged US$1.8 billion in financial assistance to support Bosnia and Herzegovina's economic recovery, and the first results were impressive, with noticeable ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina: the priority reconstruction program: from emergency to sustainability.
(European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Central Europe Department of the World Bank for the Donor Information Meeting, 1997-01-09)
1996 has been the first peaceful year in Bosnia and Herzegovina, following the three-and-a-half years of war. This year has not been an easy one, but no one expected that it would be. Major political challenges had to be ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina: implementation of the priority reconstruction program in 1996. Status report to the donor community
(European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Central Europe Department of the World Bank for the Donor Information Meeting, 1997-03)
Preface In December 1995, following the signing of the Dayton/Paris Peace Agreements, the international donor community endorsed a medium-term priority reconstruction and recovery program for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The ...
Bosnia and Herzegovina: the priority reconstruction program: from emergency to sustainability.
(European Commission, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Central Europe Department of the World Bank for the Donor Information Meeting, 1996-11)
In the aftermath of the elections, Bosnia and Herzegovina has to face the tripartite economic challenge of building a new governance structure, undertaking structural reforms, and implementing the reconstruction program ...
Phare Info Contract Implications of Approved Programmes.
(PHARE Information Office Directorate General for External Economic Relations Commission of the European Communities, 1996-12-31)