Community measures affecting tourism (Council Decision 92/421/EEC). Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee.

COM Document
EU Commission
1994-04-06Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
'fhe Council, in its Decision 92/421/EEC of I J July 1992,( 1) has co~ firmed the appropriateness· of undertaking actions on tourism at Community level in order to strengthen the horizontal approach to tourism in Community and national policies and develop specitic measures for promoting cross-border cooperation between all the players, both public and private, in the various sectors affected by tourism. Article 5 ofthe Decision provides that: "Every year from the date of adoption of the action plan, the c·ommission, in a report to the· European Parliament and the Council, shall evaluate··the Community's activities which affect .tourism." Previously, the Commission in two communications submitted in 1992, before the adoption of the Council Decision, had presented an inventory of Community measures to assist tourisri1.(2) This report is the first to be drawn up in compliance with Article 5 of the Decision; it sets out th~ measures taken by the Commission up to December 1993 m each area of Community . activity concerned. For each area the background and the priority objectives of the ~.ammission's work are given, in order to show more clearly the thinking behind them and the anticipated impact on tourism. The account given of the activities is largely descriptive in nature. As laid down in Article 6 of the Council Decision, the Commission is to submit ~n eval~ation report on the· measurable . results of the implementation of the action plan to assist tourism, in relation to the. objectives set, before 30.6.95. . The specific characteristics of each Community measure and objective affecting tourism are 11ighlighted, together with any Community financial resources whicli· .have been or are to be ,allocated The report thus aims to provide a consolidated overview of the wide range of Community measures affecting tourism, many of which fall under Com;mmity. policies and programmes, outside the immediate scope of Decision 92/421/EEC
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ΑγγλικάΣημείωση (94) 74 final