Community policies and measures affecting tourism. Communication from the Commission.

SEC Document
EU Commission
1992-05-27Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
The horizontal aspect of tourism has been amply underlined both by the Commission, when it adopted the Community action plan to assist tourism, and by all the other Community institutions. The links between the tourist industry and all other sectors of socio-economic activity are numerous. Tourism influences, and is directly influenced by, many of these sectors and is a source of revitalization for many others. As a result, the Community's measures and activities in all areas must take account of the problems, requirements and characteristics of the tourist industry. Strengthening the horizontal approach to the field of tourism will contribute considerably to the fuller integration of the industry in the policies carried out by the Community and will certainly lend ~eater cohesion to the various measures and investments in support of tourism. During their meeting in Noordwijk (17-18 October 1991), Community tourism ministers expressed the wish to have information at their disposal which would allow a global approach to Community actions to assist tourism. For its part, the European Parliament, in its opinion of 14th February 1992(*) on the Community Action Plan, asked for strengthening of horizontal action through an improved awareness of the multi-sector activities of the various departments of the Commission, as far as their impact on tourism is concerned The aim of this document is therefore to provide a clear and coherent picture of all the actions affecting tourism, many of which are carried out within the framework of specific Community policies. The structure of the report follows the structure set out in the Action Plan for Tourism, so that Section I deals with general measures connected with the completion of the internal market, whereas Section II covers measures resulting from the application of certain Community policies. Community interventions aiming at assisting tourism by financial measures are covered by a separate document "Community resources available for tourism".
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ΑγγλικάΣημείωση (92) 701 final