Community measures affecting tourism. (Council Decision 92/421/EEC). Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions.

COM Document
EU Commission
1996-02-05Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
The purpose of this report is to establish an overview of the Community's activities which affect tourism, focusing on the operational year 1994, in line with the Council's Decision n° 92/42 1/EEC of 13.7.199i, which confirms the appropriateness of undertaking actions on tourism at Community level. · . During 1994, the Commission presented its first yearly report to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee on "Community measures affecting tourism"2, updated until the end of 1993. An attempt was also made to give an overview of the legislative and budgetary background prior to 1993, the year of reference of these measures. This report is the second to be drawn up in compliance with Article 5 of the Decision. Following the same pattern, it sets out the measures taken by the Commission up to December 1994 in each area of Community activity concerned. This report is divided in three parts: part I is a general introductory chapter on the impact of tourism on the European economy which gives a statistical analysis of Europe as a tourism destination and an overview of Community actions in the field of tourism; part II analyses the Community measures implemented under the Council Decision (92/421/EEC); and part III presents those Community measures affecting tourism which do not fall under this Council's Decision. As the year of reference for the current report, 1994, is the second year of implementation of the action plan, it has been possible to provide more precise details on the direct measures realised under the tourism action plan than in the 1993 report. As regards the -Community measures affecting tourism but which fall under Community policies and programmes outside the scope of Decision 92/421/EEC, an attempt has been made to present them using a more comprehensive approach.
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ΑγγλικάΣημείωση (96) 29 final