Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Annual report 1988
(EU Commission, 1990)
Tho lntroduct lon of the Slngle Admlnlstrat lve (Customs)Document on 1st January 1988 has, Indlrectly, lead to conslderabledelays In the preparatlon of the 1988 Annual Report. Theso delays'are due to the fact that, for ...
Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1989
(EU Commission, 1990)
of the results of a study by PROGNOS (Swltzerland) to Justlfythe groy{th rate of road haulage. At that tlme, the results ofthe PROGNOS work (a multl-cllont study) were stlllconfldentlal, but the prlnclpal rosults have slnce ...
Inventory of taxes levied in the Member States of the European Communities by the State and the local authorities (Länder, départements, regions, districts, provinces, communes)
(EU Commission, 1990)
In collaboration with the Member States, the Commission of the European Communities publishes a survey of the duties and taxes in force in the Member States of the EC. The present edition reflects the situation ...
Rapidn reports population and social conditions. The community population in 1989: Immigration substantially exceeds emigration.
(Eurostat, 1990)
In 1989 the population of the Community went up by 1.8 million, with a net migratory inflow accounting for 1.2 million of this increase. Accordingly, Eurostat estimates the Community population at 327 million as at 1 January ...
Rapid reports population and social conditions. Community demographic data - a new look.
(Eurostat, 1990)
In the hope of providing a more satisfactory response to the growing interest in demography, Eurostat presents its yearbook Demographic Statìstica' in a new revised and enlarged form. The new presentation sets out the data ...