Now showing items 31-40 of 194
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. May 1981.
(Eurostat, 1981-05)
8,3 million persons were registeredasunemployed at public employment offices in the Community of Nine at the end of May 1981. This represents an unemployment rate of 7.5% by reference to the civilian working population. ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community.
(Eurostat, 1981-12)
More than 10 million persons were registered as unemployed in the European Community at the end of 1981. The unemployment rate calculated by reference to the civilian working population rose once again, to 9.2 %at the end ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community.
(Eurostat, 1981-10-10)
The number of persons registered as unemployed at public employment offices in the Community of Nine at the end of October 1981 was 9. 7 million, which corresponds to an unemployment rate of 8.8 % by reference to the ...
Statistical Telegram. Monthly Statistics of the registered unemployed in the community, July 1980.
(Eurostat, 1980-07)
At the end of July 1980 there were 6.7 million registered unemployed in the Community. This is the highest number since the beginning of the Community, even passing the seasonal peak attained in January 1980. Registered ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. April 1981.
(Eurostat, 1981-04)
The number of persons registered as unemployed in the Community of Nine at the end of April 1981 was 8.4 million, representing 7.6% of the civilian working population. The seasonally adjusted total of unemployed amounted ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. March 1981.
(Eurostat, 1983-03)
At the end of March 1981, 8, 4 mill ion persons in the Community of Nine were registered as unemployed, representing 7.7% of the civilian working population. Despite the seasonal factors tending to reduce unemployment at ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community.
(Eurostat, 1981-07)
8. 9 million persons were registered at public employment offices in the Community of Nine as unemployed at the end of July 1981. The increase of more than 400,000 in a single month raised the unemployment rate from 7. 7 ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community.
(Eurostat, 1981-09)
The rapid growth of registered unemployment in the European Community of the Nine since the Spring of 1980 continued during September 1981 with a seasonally-adjusted increase of 2.4%. Once more the increase was more for ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community.
(Eurostat, 1981-11)
The rise in unemployment in the Community of Nine continued during November 1981, the unemployment rate reaching 9% of the civilian working population at the end of the month. More than 9.9 million persons were registered ...
Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community.
(Eurostat, 1981-08)
The number of persons registered as unemployed at public employment offices in the Community of Nine passed above the 9 million mark at the end of August 1981. With 9 135 700 unemployed, the unemployment rate by reference ...