Statistical Telegram. Monthly Statistics of the registered unemployed in the community, July 1980.

working document
1980-07Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentΠερίληψη
At the end of July 1980 there were 6.7 million registered unemployed in the Community. This is the highest number since the beginning of the Community, even passing the seasonal peak attained in January 1980. Registered unemployed as a perqentage of the total civilian working population has now reached 6.1%. This unemployment rate was 5.7% in the preceding month and 5.4% in July last year. This increase of almost 440,000 unemployed persons in the Community represents a rise of 7% as compared with the previous month. The Member States most affec-ted by the growth of unemployment were Belgium{+ 18,4%), the United Kingdom {+ 14.3%), Luxembourg {+ 13.0%), the Netherlands {+ 11.9%) and the F.R. of Ger-many { + 9 • 2%) •
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