Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. March 1981.

working document
1983-03Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentΠερίληψη
At the end of March 1981, 8, 4 mill ion persons in the Community of Nine were registered as unemployed, representing 7.7% of the civilian working population. Despite the seasonal factors tending to reduce unemployment at this time of year, the number of persons registered decreased only slightly during the month of March for the Community as a whole (-1.2%). The seasonally adjusted figures for unemployment continue to rise. For the Community of Nine the rise in unemployment in terms of seasonally adjusted figures is estimated to be of the order of +3% during the month. Differences between countries in regard to seasonal factors make the analysis by Member States very difficult. It is, however, clear that the substantial fall in the crude registration figures in the F.R. of Germany during March should not be interpreted as being due to an improvement in the situation. On the contrary, in this country as well as in the Netherlands, Denmark and Luxembourg the rising trend in unemployment is particularly evident in the seasonally adjusted figures (+5% or above during March).