Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community.

working document
1981-09Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment/ Unemployment ; Employment Labor MarketΠερίληψη
The rapid growth of registered unemployment in the European Community of the Nine since the Spring of 1980 continued during September 1981 with a seasonally-adjusted increase of 2.4%. Once more the increase was more for men than for women(+ 2.7% aginast + 1.8%). With 9 .. 4 million people registered as unemployed at public employment offices at the end of September, the Community of Nine reached an unemployment rate of 8.5% of the civilian working population, compared with 8.3% at the end of August. The lowest unemployment rate was in Luxembourg (1.0%) followed bt F.R. Germany (4.8%). At· the other end of the scale were Ireland with 10.4%, the United Kingdom 11.5% and Belgium 12.8%. Seasonally-adjusted figures, despite somewhat divergent tendencies in the absolute numbers unemployed, show a worsening of the situation already observed over recent months in all Community countries, without exception.
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