Browsing EU/EC Budget by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 129
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1981.
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1980-10-30) -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1982.
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1981-11-10)This Chapter summarizes the information needed to set ·the draft ECSC operating budget for 1982 in its economic, political.and financial context. -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1983.
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1982-10-27)This Chapter -summarizes the information needecl to set the draft ESCS operating budget for 1983 in its economic and political context. -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1984
(Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1983-08-19)As usual, the views of Parliament will be sought before the Commission takes a decision on the Levy rate and the ECSC operating budget for the financial year 1984. -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1985.
(Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1984-08-10)As usual, the views of Parliamer.t will be sought before the Commission takes a decision on the Levy rate artd the ECSC operating budget for the fir,ar1cial year 1985. -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1986.
(Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1985-08-05)As usual, the views of Parliament will be sought before the Commission takes a decision on the Levy rate and the ECSC operating budget for the financial year 1986. -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1987.
(EU CommissionLuxembourg, 1986-07-31)This chapter summarizes the information needed to set the draft ECSC operating budget for 1987 in its economic, policy and budgetary context. -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1988.
(EU CommissionBrussels, 1987-09-17)As usual, the views of Parliament will be sought before the Commission takes a decision on the Levy rate and the ECSC operating budget for the financial year 1988. -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1989.
(Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1988-09-06) -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1990.
(EU CommissionBrussels, 1989-07-28)As usual, the views of Par11 ament will be sought before the COmmission takes a decision on the levy rate ani the lD3C operating bldget for the financial year 1990. -
Aide-memoire on the fixing of the ECSC levy rate and on the drawing up of the ECSC operating budget for 1991.
(EU CommissionBrussels, 1990-09-06) -
COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING REGULATION (EU) 2021/328 of 24 February 2021 imposing a definitive countervailing duty on imports of continuous filament glass fibre products originating in the People’s Republic of China following an expiry review pursuant to Article 18 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the European Parliament and of the Council
(Official Journal of the European UnionBrussels, 2021-02-25)Having regard to Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on protection against subsidised imports from countries not members of the European Union (1) (‘the basic Regulation’), ... -
Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier rapport financier pour l'année 1960 = European Coal and Steel Community financial report for the year 1960
(European CommissionLuxembourg, 1961-01-31)Ce sixième rapport financier de la Haute Autorité concerne l'année civile 1960, huitième année d'activité de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier. Au cours de l'exécution du plan général de réorganisation, les ... -
Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier rapport financier pour l'année 1961 = European Coal and Steel Community financial report for the year 1961
(European CommissionLuxembourg, 1962-01-25)Le septième rapport financier concerne l'année civile 1961, neuvième année d'acti-vité de la Haute Autorité de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier. Ainsi qu'il apparaîtra dans le détail des divers chapitres ... -
Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier rapport financier pour l'année 1964 = European Coal and Steel Community financial report for the year 1964
(European CommissionLuxembourg, 1965-01-25)Le présent rapport financier se réfère à l'année 1964 qui représente la douzième année d'activité financière de la Haute Autorité. Ainsi qu'il apparaîtra dans les chapitres qui suivent, l'année couverte par le présent ... -
Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier rapport financier pour l'année 1965 = European Coal and Steel Community financial report for the year 1965
(European CommissionLuxembourg, 1966-03)LUXEMBOURG, MARS 1966 Le présent rapport financier se réfère à l'année 1965, treizième année d'activité financière de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier. Les investissements effectués dans les industries du ... -
Depenses administratives de la Communaute pendant l'exercice financier 1960-1961. Dixieme rapport general = Administrative expenses of the Community for the financial year 1960-1961. Tenth general report
(European CommissionLuxembourg, 1959-12-16)Les rapports ci-joints sur les dépenses administratives des Institutions au cours de l'exercice financier clos le 30 juin 1961 sont soumis à la Commission des Présidents en application de ses décisions des 26 mars 1}53 et ... -
Description of items in the balance sheets and accounts ECSC for the financial year 1981.
(EU CommissionBrussels, 1982-09-24)