Europa transport. Observation of the transport markets. Analysis and forecasts 1982

Working Document
EU Commission
1982Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Transport policy ; Transport ; transport marketΠερίληψη
INTRODUCTION"AnaLysis and Forecasts 1982" for freight transport between t{ember statesis part of the economic analysis undertaken by the Commission servicesin the Market Observation System, The preLiminary forecasts for 19g2l.lere prepared by the Institut ftir tJi rtschaf tsforschung in lrluni ch, andwere revised and updated by the Commission services after consuLtingwith Member State experts.This text is one of three reguLar pubLications reporting the resutts ofthe Market Observation System. companion pubLications are:- Market DeveLopments: a quarterLy update ofdeveLopments in transport trends (activity,uti Lisation of capacity, investment, empLoymentand cash fLow); traffic fLows for road, raiLand inland waterways; and reports and commentaryon price and cost movements,- AnnuaL Report: a comprehensive anaLysis ofcurrent deveLopments in freight traffic byroad and inLand braterways between Member States
Αριθμός σελίδων
EU CommissionΤόπος έκδοσης
Σχετικές εγγραφές
Προβολή εγγραφών σχετικών με τίτλο, συγγραφέα, δημιουργό και θέμα.
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