Now showing items 31-40 of 53
Conclusions of the Report pursuant to Article 25 of Regulation (CEEC) No. 4253/88, ESF-1990.
(European Commission, 1992-04-30)
1990 was the second year of implementation of structural policy reform,but for the European Social Fund it was the first year in which the newrules were applied in full. Some of the reform principles had enteredinto force ...
Twelfth report on the activities of the European Social Fund - financial year 1983. Report from the Commission to the Council
(European Commission, 1984-07-26)
This is the annual report of the European Social Fund for 1983 presented by the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council pursuant to Article 9 (2) of .Decision 83/516/EEC, which provides that Decision 71/66/EEC ...
Eleventh report on the activities of the European Social Fund - financial year 1982. Report from the Commission to the Council.
(European Commission, 1983-06-30)
This is the annual report of the European Social Fund for 1982 presented by the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council pursuant to 1 Article 6 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 858/72 , which reads as follows ...
Expose sur l'evolution de la situation sociale dans la Communaute en 1960 (joint au Quatrieme rapport general sur l'activite de la Communaute). aout 1961 = Report on the development of the social situation in the Community in 1960 (annex to the Fourth general report on the activities of the Community).
(European Commission, 1962-07)
Bien que le rytbme d.e ltexpansion se soit plus ou rooins sen-siblenent ralentir ea 1961, dano ra plupart des pays de la connrunaut6,Itessor conjoncturel a 6t6 n6aruloins suffisanqent uarqu6 pour quruneaette progression ...
Expose sur l'evolution de la situation sociale dans la Communaute en 1962 (joint au Sixieme rapport general sur l'activite de la Communaute). juillet 1963 = Report on the development of the social situation in the Community in 1962 (annex to the Sixth general report on the activities of the Community).
(European Commission, 1962-07)
Le fait majeur d.e lf €volution d.e la situation sociare aucours d.e ltannSe 6cou16e a 6r,6r par contraste avec 1e rytbnegSnSralement un peu ralenti d.e ltexpansion conjonctr:.rel1e, lanouvelLe et forte auglentation ncninale ...
Second European Social Budget - National Reports.
(European Commission, 1978-07-12)
Expose sur l'evolution de la situation sociale dans la Communaute en 1966 (joint au Dixieme rapport sur l'activite de la Communaute). aout 1967 = Report on the development of the social situation in the Community in 1966 (annex to the Tenth general report on the activities of the Community).
(European Commission, 1965-08)
Ls clernler:oxpoq€ sur la glhretion socLale dane ]p ComnunautdE rouvralt. psr une sorte d.e panorana d.os rdsultate obtgnus clane le d.onainesocial. depuls lrentr6e €n viguour du 1!ralt6 d.e Rorpgr !e ler Janvier 1958,0n ...
Sixteenth report on the activities of the European Social Fund - financial year 1987. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.
(European Commission, 1988-12-02)
his 1s the amruaJ. report of the European Socia.l Fun:1 for 1987 presentEd by the COmm1ssion to Parliament a1Xi the Council. This report bas been drawn up at a time when the COmmunity 1s eogage:l in the prooess of reforming ...
9th Report on the activities of the European Social Fund - financial year 1980.
(European Commission, 1981-07-01)
This is the annual report of the European Social Fund for 1980 submitted by the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council in accordance with Article 6 of Council Regulation (EEC) No 858/721 which reads as ...