Sixteenth report on the activities of the European Social Fund - financial year 1987. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.

com document
Commision of the European Communities
1988-12-02Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Social Rights ; Employment Labor Market ; Social PolicyΠερίληψη
his 1s the amruaJ. report of the European Socia.l Fun:1 for 1987 presentEd by the COmm1ssion to Parliament a1Xi the Council. This report bas been drawn up at a time when the COmmunity 1s eogage:l in the prooess of reforming the structural Fun:is, which o.Jr.stitutes one facet of the strengtbeni.Ilg of e:xmom1 c ani soc1al cohesion require:l by Articles 130 A toE of the Trea.ty estah11shi~ the European Econom1c Colmmmity. For the purposes of implementirlg this policy the COmmunity has new budgetary resources. In return for acceptirlg the new ties conferre:l on it by the Single European Act, an:i in a.ocordaDOe with the interinstitutional agreement on budgetary discipline ani the improvement of the budgetary proce:iure, the Conunun.ity must also ensure tbat the best poss1ble use is made of the resources allooate:l to the structural Flm:ls. It 1s therefore against a ba.ckgrolmi of stricter budgetary discipline ani 'With a determina.tion to promote tra.nspa.rency tba.t the Commission presents this report. As far as the structure of t.'ll.s report 1s conoerned, certain ~es have l:een Dade as 'With 1986. Some sections have been made more detaile:l in the light of recent experieooe in lrel'la.g~ the European Soc1a.:l FuiXi, the aim beir.g to fuli'11 the requirements arising in the context of the reform of the structural Fun:is. Certain items of .inforna tion have also been a.dde:l in response to rEqUeSts from VdXious sources, which the Commiss1on has met by incorporatirlg more ertensive annexes.
Αριθμός σελίδων
Chapter headings and annexes are bookmarked.COM (88) 701 final