Now showing items 11-20 of 43
ECSC financial report for the year 1974
(European Commission, 1974)
The figures in this report and the attached ECSC balance sheet, together with the main features of the loans contracted, are expressed in units of account, which in the present report will be written u.a. 1. Decision No ...
Etat previsionnel des depenses administratives de la Communaute pour l'exercice 1966-1967 = Estimate of administrative expenses of the Community for the financial year 1966-1967. April 1966
(European Commission, 1967)
Les Prf.sidents des quatre Institutions de lu Communauté européenne du cha~bon et de l'acier, vu l'article 78, puragrllphe 3 du Traité instituant la CommunautP. européenne du charbon et de l'acier, vu les urticles 1, 4 et ...
Depenses administratives de la Communaute pendant l'exercice financier 1960-1961. Dixieme rapport general = Administrative expenses of the Community for the financial year 1960-1961. Tenth general report
(European Commission, 1959-12-16)
Les rapports ci-joints sur les dépenses administratives des Institutions au cours de l'exercice financier clos le 30 juin 1961 sont soumis à la Commission des Présidents en application de ses décisions des 26 mars 1}53 et ...
Expose general sur les finances de la Communaute pendant l'exercice 1960-1961 = General statement on the finances of the Community for the 1960-1961 financial year
(European Commission, 1960)
L'Exposé général sur les finances de la Communauté pendant l'exercice financier 1960-1961 traduit en chiffres, commes les années précédentes, l'activité de la Communauté pendant la période considérée. Il comporte un certain ...
Financial Report for the year 1957
(European Commission, 1958-02-10)
As was to be expected in view of the trend prevailing at the end of 1956, economic expansion continued in the Western European countries throughout 1957. The rate of increase, however, was not as steep as during the two ...
ECSC financial report 1971
(European Commission, 1971)
ECSC financial report for the year 1968
(European Commission, 1969-03)
This financial report relates to the calendar year 1968, the sixteenth year of the European Coal and Steel Community's financial operations. Since 1 July 1967, date of the entry into force of the Treaty establishing a ...
ECSC financial report for the year 1960
(European Commission, 1961-01-31)
The Sixth Financial Report of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community covers the calendar year 1960, this being its eighth year of operation. In order to achieve a better coordination of duties the ...