Now showing items 1-7 of 7
ECSC financial report for the years 1953 - 1954 - 1955
(European Commission, 1956-03-13)
The High Authority presents a report on its entire activity once a year. This report is usually prepared for presentation to the Ordinary Session of the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community meeting in ...
Financial Report for the year I 956
(European Commission, 1957-03-13)
The general economic expansion in the countries of Western Europe that characterized the situation in the preceding year has continued also in 1956. This expansion had several common aspects for the six countries of the ...
ECSC Financial Report for the Year 1963
(European Commission, 1964-01-25)
The Ninth l'inancial Report of the High Authority of the European Coal andSteel Community relates to the calendar year 1963, the eleventh year of itsfinancial operations.As deseribed further irr this Report, the year 1963 ...
ECSC financial report for the year 1961
(European Commission, 1962-01-25)
The Seventh Financial Report of the High Authority of the European Coal and Steel Community relates to the calendar year 1961, the ninth year of its operations. As described in detail further in this Report, the year 1961 ...
Communauté Européenne du Charbon et de l'Acier rapport financier pour l'année 1960 = European Coal and Steel Community financial report for the year 1960
(European Commission, 1961-01-31)
Ce sixième rapport financier de la Haute Autorité concerne l'année civile 1960, huitième année d'activité de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier. Au cours de l'exécution du plan général de réorganisation, les ...
Expose general sur les finances de la Communaute pendant l'exercice 1957-1958 et rappel des exercices anterieurs = General statement on the finances of the Community for the 1957-1958 financial year and recall of prior financial years
(European Commission, 1957)
Comme 1957-58 est précédé d'un exposé général sur l'ensemble des finances de la Commu-nauté, portant notamment sur l'utilisation des ressources de la Haute Autorité et sur sa situation financière au 30 juin 1958. Le dernier ...