Now showing items 1-10 of 10
ECSC financial report 1970
(European Commission, 1971-07)
This financial report relates to the calender year 1970, the eighteenth year of the European Coal and Steel Community's financial operations. It may be recalled that since the entry into force of the Treaty establishing a ...
ECSC financial report 1978
(European Commission, 1979)
In 1978, as in the preceding year, the rate of economic growth in the Community was low: 2,6% against 2,3% in 1977. Forecasts for 1979 point to a slight acceleration in the growth rate to around 3,5% in 1979. In 1978,_t_be ...
ECSC financial report 1976
(European Commission, 1977-06)
In 1976, steel production in the Community (134 million tonnes) was only slightly higher than the very low level of 125 million tonnes recorded in 1975 and fell far short of the figure of 15 6 million tonnes which was ...
ECSC financial report 1975
(European Commission, 1975-01-30)
Economic activity in the Community and the rest of the world experienced an exceptionally sharp 'downturn in 1975. In terms of imports, there was a marked decrease in the volume of world trade, largely as a result of the ...
ECSC financial report 1977
(European Commission, 1979)
ECSC financial report for the year 1974
(European Commission, 1974)
The figures in this report and the attached ECSC balance sheet, together with the main features of the loans contracted, are expressed in units of account, which in the present report will be written u.a. 1. Decision No ...
ECSC financial report 1971
(European Commission, 1971)
ECSC financial report 1972
(European Commission, 1972)
In order to guide the parties concerned and help the Community in its own courses of action, the ECSC Treaty provides for the following instruments, in addition to the general objectives which describe the broad outlines ...
ECSC financial report 1973
(European Commission, 1973)
ECSC financial report for the year 1969
(European Commission, 1970-03)
This financial report relates to the calendar year 1969, the seventeenth year of the European Coal and Steel Community's financial operations. Since 1 July 1967, date of the entry into force of the Treaty establishing a ...