• Seventeenth report on the activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1975-12-31)
    1975 was marked by an economic recession such as has not occurred since the 1930s. It affected all the industrialized countries and the non-oil-producing developing countries; its repercussions 'vere reflected in international ...
  • Seventh Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    European Economic Community (EU CommissionBrussels, 1965-02-12)
    The purpose of this' report is to give a general picture of the activities of theMonetary Committee of the European Economic Community. The Committeeitself held twelve meetings in 1964, while the Committee of Alternates ...
  • Sixieme rapport d'activite du comite monetaire 

    Communate Ecomique Europeenne (EU CommissionBruxelles, 1964-04-15)
    Le présent rapport a pour objet de présenter un aperçu de l'activité du Comité monétaire de la Communauté économique européenne pendant l'année 1963. Le Comité monétaire a tenu neuf sessions au cours de l'année 1963 sous ...
  • Sixteenth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee 

    European Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1974-12-31)
    The purpose of this report is to give a brief account of the activities of the MonetaryCommittee during 1974.During this year the Committee held 15 sessions and the working parties drawn fromits own members or set up at ...
  • Sixth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    European Economic Community (EU CommissionBrussels, 1964-04-15)
    The purpose of this -report is to give a general Picture of the activities of theMonetary Committee of the European Economic Community in 1963. TheCommittee held nine sessions in 1963 under the chairmanshiP of JonkheerMr. ...
  • Tenth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    European Economic Community (EU CommissionBrussels, 1968-04-26)
    The purpose of this report is to give a brief account of the activities of theMonetary Committee of the European Economic Community during the past year.Apart from the tasks assigned to it by the Treaty, in particular that ...
  • Thirteenth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    European Communities (EU CommissionBrussels, 1972-02-16)
    The purpose of this report is to give a brief account of the activities of the MonetaryCommittee during the period from July 1970 to the end of 1971.During these 18 months, the Committee held 15 sessions and the working ...
  • Troisieme rapport d'activite du comite monetaire 

    Communate Ecomique Europeenne (EU CommissionBruxelles, 1961-04-14)
  • Twelfth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee 

    European Economic Community (EU CommissionBrussels, 1970-06-30)
    The purpose of this report is to give a brief account of the activities of the MonetaryCommittee during the period from 15 May 1969 to 30 June /970.During this period, the Committee held nineteen meetings and its working ...
  • Twentieth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBruxelles, 1978-12-31)
    The expansion of world economic activitycontinued to be moderate in 1978. Growth rates bothof production and world trade were similar to thoseof 1977. The structure of balances of paymentsaltered greatly: on the one hand, ...
  • Twenty-eighth Activity Report of the Monetary Committee. 

    Commission of the European Communities (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesLuxembourg, 1987-10)
    The Committee held a total of nine ordinary meetings in 1986. An extraordinarymeeting was held at Ootsmarsum in the Netherlands in April in connection with ageneral realignment of EMS central rates and in August the Committee ...
  • Twenty-fifth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesLuxembourg, 1984-08-31)
    The world economic scene brightened up during 1983 and the major industrialeconomies returned'to a path of real growth. Economic activity in the United Statesrecovered first and grew strongly. In Europe too, expansionary ...
  • Twenty-first Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1979-12-31)
    The expansion of world economic activity wasagain only moderate in 1979, with growth rates ofproduction and world trade similar to those of 1978.The imbalances in the current balance of paymentspositions of the major country ...
  • Twenty-fourth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesLuxembourg, 1983-08-31)
    The main features of the world economic situation in 1982 were persistent recessionand continuing disinflation. In fact the expansion which had been expected for thesecond half of the year did not materialize; it was only ...
  • Twenty-ninth Activity Report of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesLuxembourg, 1988-09)
    The realignment which occurred in the very first days of 1987 revealed that theEuropean Monetary System had not been backed up by an adequate level of coop-eration among the participating countries, given the rapidly growing ...
  • Twenty-second Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesBrussels, 1981-12-31)
    The world economy in 1980 was hit by the effectsof the second oil shock. First, the expansion of economicactivity slowed distinctly: world production and tradegrowth rates fell sharply. Second, the current accountbalance ...
  • Twenty-seventh Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesLuxembourg, 1986-09)
  • Twenty-sixth Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesLuxembourg, 1985-08-15)
  • Twenty-third Report on the Activities of the Monetary Committee. 

    EU Commission (Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesLuxembourg, 1982-05-15)
    World economic trends in 1981 were subject to a number of unfavourable influences:the aftermath of the second oil shock of 1980; the worsening of domestically generatedimbalances (in particular budgetary imbalances); wide ...

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