Browsing 001.09 European Union external relations and associated countries by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 366
Association entre la Communaute economique europeenne et la Turquie. Deuxieme rapport annuel d'activite du Conseil d'assocation a la Commission parlementaire d'association
(European CommissionTurkey, 1966-11-23)Au cours de l'année 1966, qui correspond pratiquement à la deuxième année d'application de l'Accord d'Ankara (1), le Conseil d'Association a tenu deux sessions. Ces sessions ont eu lieu au niveau ministériel et ont pris ... -
Association entre la Communaute economique europeenne et la Turquie. Troisieme rapport annuel d'activite du Conseil d'assocation a la Commission parlementaire d'association
(European CommissionTurkey, 1968-04-05)L•ann4e 1967 correspond à la troisième ann4e d'application de l'Accord cr4ant une Association entre la C.E.E. et la Turquie. Au cours de cette ann4e, l'activit4 de l'Associa-tion a 4t4 marqu4e par des d4veloppements ... -
Association entre la Communaute economique europeenne et la Turquie. Septieme rapport annuel d'activite du Conseil d'assocation a la Commission parlementaire d'association
(European CommissionTurkey, 1971-06-29)L'année 1970 'correspond à la sixième année d'application de l'Accord créant une Association entre la C.E.E. et la Turquie. 2. Au cours de l'année 1970, les relations entre la c.E.E. et la Turquie ont été dominées, comme ... -
Association entre la Communaute economique europeenne et la Turquie. Sixieme rapport annuel d'activite du Conseil d'assocation a la Commission parlementaire d'association
(European CommissionTurkey, 1971-06-29)1. L'année 1970 'correspond à la sixième année d'application de l'Accord créant une Association entre la C.E.E. et la Turquie. 2. Au cours de l'année 1970, les relations entre la c.E.E. et la Turquie ont été dominées, comme ... -
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Eighth annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European CommissionTurkey, 1973-04-24)1972 was the eighth year of the Association. It was the first full year in which the trade arrangements of the Additional Protocol - which entered into force in advance on 1 September 1971 under an Interim Agreement which ... -
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Tenth annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European CommissionTurkey, 1975-08-01)On 1 January 1974, the Association entered into its tenth year. On the same date, the Interim Agreement, which was signed in Ankara on 30 June 1973 at the same time as the Supplementary Protocol (enlargement), and which ... -
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Eleventh annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European CommissionTurkey, 1976-07-27)This report covers the period from 1 January to 31 December 1975, being the eleventh year after the entry into force of the Ankara Agreement (1). The work of the Association's bodies during 1975 was devoted largely to the ... -
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Twelfth annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European CommissionBrussels, 1977-12-19)1976, the 12th year after the entry into force of the Ankara Agreement, was a difficult year for the Association inasmuch as the Association Council had to take decisions on a number of very important questions. At the ... -
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Thirteenth annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European CommissionBrussels, 1978-10-30)This report covers 1977, the thirteenth year since entry into force of the Ankara Agreement. Two events during this year, one in which there was relatively little activity Within the organs of the Association, are nonetheless ... -
Association entre la Communaute economique europeenne et la Turquie. Quatorzieme rapport annuel d'activite du Conseil d'assocation a la Commission parlementaire d'association (1er janvier au 31 decembre 1978) = Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Fourteenth annual report on the activity of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association (1 January to 31 December 1978)
(European CommissionBrussels, 1980-03-18)L'année 1978 couverte ~ar le présent rapport d'activité a été la 14è~e année après l'entrée en vigueur de l'Accord d'"h~~ara. Elle a été marquée surtout ~ar les efforts des deux parties pour surr.1onter le cli~at de ... -
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Fourteenth annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European CommissionBrussels, 1980-03-18)The year covered by this report, 1978, was the 14th since the Ankara Agreement entered into force. It was principally marked by the efforts of the two Parties to overcome the stagnation into which the Association had drifted ... -
EEC-Yugoslavia cooperation. Compilation of texts. 1 January 1983 - 31 December 1984
(Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesYugoslavia, 1983-02-14) -
Protocols to the EEC-Yugoslavia Cooperation Agreement and other basic texts.
(Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesLuxembourg, 1992) -
(EurostatLuxemburg, 1992-02)According to Eurostat estimates based on the latest available figures, the European Community had a population of 346 million as at 1 January 1992. Eurostat now presents the corresponding figures for the European Free Trade ... -
EEC-Turkey Association Agreement and protocols and other basic texts.
(Publications Office of the European UnionLuxembourg, 1992-12) -
RAPID REPORTS Population and social conditions. THE POPULATION OF THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AREA IN 1992. 1993.7
(EurostatLuxemburg, 1993-07)On 1 January 1993 the population of the European Community stood at 347 million according to Eurostat estimates based on the latest figures available. At the same date the population of the European Economic Area ... -
(EurostatLuxemburg, 1993-08)This document is a followup to the Eurostat Rapid report on the population by citizenship (19936). It gives details of the females other than nationals living in each Member State, and provides data on their nationalities, ... -
PHARE Programme and contract information 1995 Estonia
(European CommissionEstonia, 1995)With this brochure Phare aims to provide the interested public with clear and concise summaries of the programmes to be implemented by the partner countries with Phare support. It also aims to point the business community ...