PHARE Programme and contract information 1995 Estonia

working document
European Commission
1995Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Social safety and health ; Human Rights ; External EnlargementΠερίληψη
With this brochure Phare aims to provide the interested public with clear and concise summaries of the programmes to be implemented by the partner countries with Phare support. It also aims to point the business community in the direction of potential opportunities. The programmes described in the following pages are the logical consequences of the priorities expressed by Estonia in its Indicative Programme. They have been given a favourable opinion by Phare's Management Committee and have been approved by the Commission. Phare programme and contract information brochures are published after each Management Committee meeting. This copy contains summaries of the programmes approved by the Committee at its 37th meeting held on 5 July 1995 for the benefit of Estonia. Please bear in mind, however, that the publication of the business-related information in these pages does not commit the partner country or the Commission either to adhere to a fixed timetable for implementation or to follow exactly the outlines traced below. Individuals or companies wishing to obtain more detail on the contrac-tual implications of these programmes should contact the relevant Programme Management Unit that is responsible for the implementation of the approved programme. Only individuals or companies registered and resident in European Union Member States or Phare partner countries will be considered for implementing the tasks set out.
Αριθμός σελίδων
Directorate General External Relations: Europe and the New Independent States, Common Foreign and Security Policy and External Missions (DG IA)URI: