Now showing items 21-30 of 116
Regular report from the Commission on Slovakia's progress towards accession 2001.
(European Commission, 2001-11-13)
In Agenda 2000, the Commission said it would report regularly to the European Council onprogress made by each of the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe inpreparations ...
Regular report from the Commission on Slovenia's progress towards accession 2001.
(European Commission, 2001-11-13)
In Agenda 2000, the Commission said it would report regularly to the European Council onprogress made by each of the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe inpreparations ...
Regular report from the Commission on Slovenia's progress towards accession 2000.
(European Commission, 2000-11-08)
In Agenda 2000, the Commission said it would report regularly to the European Councilon progress made by each of the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe inpreparations for membership, and that it would submit ...
Regular report from the Commission on Slovenia's progress towards accession 1999.
(European Commission, 1999-10-13)
In Agenda 2000 the Commission said it would report regularly to the European Council onprogress made by each of the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe inpreparations ...
Regular report from the Commission on Slovakia's progress towards accession 1999.
(European Commission, 1999-10-13)
In Agenda 2000 the Commission said it would report regularly to the EuropeanCouncil on progress made by each of the candidate countries of Central and EasternEurope in preparations for membership ...
Comprehensive monitoring report on Slovakia's preparation for membership 2003.
(European Commission, 2003-11-05)
The accession negotiations with Slovakia were successfully concluded on 13 December 2002 and the Treaty of Accession was signed on 16 April 2003. In a referendum held on 16-17 May, a majority of Slovaks ...
Regular report from the Commission on Slovakia's progress towards accession 1998.
(European Commission, 1998-12-17)
In Agenda 2000 the Commission said it would report regularly to the European Council onprogress made by each of the candidate countries of Central and Eastern Europe inpreparations ...
2005 Enlargement strategy paper. Impact assessment. Commission staff working document annexed to the paper.
(European Commission, 2005-11-09)
Enlargement policy is outside the realm of the Commission’s right of initiative and therefore not a policy which the Commission can, strictly speaking, propose on the basis of policy options and impact ...
Enlargement strategy and main challenges ... Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council.
(European Commission, 2013-10-16)
wenty years ago, the Western Balkans were torn by conflict. At the same time, the European Union agreed the conditions, known as the Copenhagen criteria, for entry of future Member States into the EU. The ...
Regular report from the Commission on Turkey's progress towards accession 1999.
(European Commission, 1999-10-13)
The European Council in Cardiff, which took place in June 1998, welcomed the Commission'sconfirmation that it will submit at the end of 1998 its first regular reports on each candidate'sprogress towards ...