013 Labour: Πρόσφατες υποβολές
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Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Dynamic Measures of Economic Activity and Unemployment: 2 . Status in terms of the amount of time spent. 1999.18
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1999)This report follows another study on some dynamic measures of change in economic activity, and in particular unemployment, constructed from the European Community Household Panel (see Statistics in focus No. 17/1999). It ... -
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Dynamic Measures of Economic Activity and Unemployment: 1. Patterns and Transitions over Time. 1999.17
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1999-07)The one-shot or static measures provided by most conventional sources are not sufficient to understand and monitor the greatly changed labour market situation. These need to be supplemented by more dynamic ... -
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. 1998 1.5% EMPLOYMENT GROWTH IN THE E.U.. 1999.4
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1999-04)The number of those employed in the European Union (EU-15) in the last quarter of 1998 rose by approximately 2.3 millions, an increase of 1.5% on the previous year. The rise is similar in the Eurozone representing around ... -
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. From school-to-working life: Facts on youth unemployment. 1998.13
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1998)Throughout the European Union, young people's unemployment has been a major topic of discussion for the last 20 years. Although youth unemployment has followed a similar long-term trend to adult unemployment, ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1996.8/9
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1996-09-06)Eurostat estimates that the seasor,ally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union (fifteen Member States) for the months of June and July 1996 was 10.7%, representing a decrease of 0.1% by comparison with the two ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1996.7
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1996-07-05)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the I' European Union (fifteen Member States) for the month of May 1996 was 10.8%, representing the sam~ jevel as in the previous month and an increase ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1996.3-4
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1996-04-02)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union (fifteen Member States) for the month of February 1996 was 11.0%, representing an increase of +0.1% since' January 1996 and +0.2% since ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1996.2
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1996-02-01)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union (fifteen Member States) for the month of December 1995 was 10.9%, having risen +0.2% since the previous month to reach the same level ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1996.12
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1996-12-09)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union for the month' of October 1996 was 10.9%, representing the same level as in the six previous: months and an increase of 0.1% by ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1996.10
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1996-10-04)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adju~t~d unemployment rate in the European Union (fifteen Member States) for the month of August 1996 was 1 0.8%, representing the same level as in the· two previous months and an ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1996.1
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1996-01-05)Population and social con itions Series B Short-term statistics Unemplo 1 0 1996 S71t'Tfit1 ISSN 0252·9920 5 January 1996 UNEMPLOYMENT I THE EUROPEAN UNION November 1995 Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted ... -
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. MULTIPLE JOB-HOLDERS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION IN 1992. 1995.2
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1995-02)Most employment statistics concentrate on the number of persons employed, and therefore underestimate the number of jobs because some people have more than one. The number of people employed has risen in recent years. The ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1995.8/9
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1995-09-05)Eurostat estimates that the s~Clsonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union (fifteen Member States) for the months of June and July 1995 was 10.7%. The decreas~ pf 0.2% by comparison with the Spring figures ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1995.7
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1995-07-03)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union (flfte~~ Member States) for the month of May 1995 was 10.9%. The rate has be~r stable since February 1995, but has fallen by 0.5 ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1995.6
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1995-06-06)Eurostat estimates that the s~asonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union (fifteen Member States) for the month of April 1995 was 11.0%. The rate is therefore un1hanged since January 1995. The rate in most ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1995.5
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1995-05-03)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate In the European Union (fifteen Member States) for:ihe month of March 1995 was 10.8%. This represents a decrease of 0.1 percJntage points by comparison with ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1995.3/4
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1995-04-03)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjust unemployment rate In the European Union (fifteen Member States) for the month of February 1995 was 11.0%. The figure Is the same (11.0%) for those twelve Member States which ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1995.12
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1995-12-01)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union (fifteen Member States) for the month of October 1995 was 1 0.6%, which represents the same level as in each of the last three months. ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1995.11
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1995-11-06)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union (fifteen Member States) for' the month of September 1995 was 10.5%, which represents the same level as in July and August 1995. I ... -
Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1995.10
(EurostatLuxembourg, 1995-10)Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the European Union (fifteen Member States) for the month of August 1995 was 10.6%, which represents the same level as i~ the previous month. ,, . It ...