Short-term trends. Unemployment. Unemployment in the European Union. 1996.7

working document
1996-07-05Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Employment/ UnemploymentΠερίληψη
Eurostat estimates that the seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in the I' European Union (fifteen Member States) for the month of May 1996 was 10.8%, representing the sam~ jevel as in the previous month and an increase of +0.1% since May 1995. j i Since the beginning of 1996, J~employment has been falling slightly but regularly in Spain, Belgium and Denma'rk, while the biggest increases have taken place in Portugal and Sweden. Unemployment in Germany, which showed an increase ear1ier this year, now remains urchanged at 8.9%. The figures for Ireland have been considerably revised in comparison with pre-vious reports in this series, ~~ a result of taking into account the 1996 Labour Force Survey data for Ireland.
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