Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. HOUSING CONDITIONS IN THE EUROPE OF TWELVE IN 1994.

working document
1997Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Household expenditure ; Family Budgets ; Family social securityΠερίληψη
^¿L eurostat STATISTICS IN FOCUS Population and social conditions 1997 ISSN 10244352 HOUSING CONDITIONS IN THE EUROPE OF TWELVE IN 1994 Nearly 60% of households in Europe (EUR 12) owned their homes in 1994. The differences from one country to another are considerable: around 80% of Irish, Spanish and Greek households are home owners, as against 41% of German and 47% of Dutch households. Frequently, "property" means one's own detached house, particular when children come along. One in five home owners and renting tenants find accommodation costs a burden. Again, the percentages vary within the Twelve: this opinion was voiced by 8% of Dutch and Danish tenants and by 73% of Greek tenants. Other than in Portugal and, to a lesser degree, Greece, almost all European householders enjoy basic amenities. Asked to identify housing problems, 27% of households in EUR 12 cited noise, and 19% lack of space. These are some of the conclusions on housing drawn from the first wave of the Community Household Panel
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