ECSC Financial Report for the Year 1963

working document
European Coal and Steel Community
1964-01-25Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Financial InstrumentΠερίληψη
The Ninth l'inancial Report of the High Authority of the European Coal andSteel Community relates to the calendar year 1963, the eleventh year of itsfinancial operations.As deseribed further irr this Report, the year 1963 was especially marked by thefollowing:-the rate of the levy of 0.20%, as red.uced in 1962, was maintained in 1963;-the amount of grants made in 1963 to foster research projects rvithin thesteel and coal industries was more than twice the amount granted in 1962;-borrotvings have, for the time being, been completely shifted to Europe;-the financing of workers' housing programs reached a new peak.