Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

dc.contributor.authorCommision of the European Communities
dc.descriptionChapter headings and annexes are bookmarked.
dc.descriptionCOM (88) 701 final
dc.description.abstracthis 1s the amruaJ. report of the European Socia.l Fun:1 for 1987 presentEd by the COmm1ssion to Parliament a1Xi the Council. This report bas been drawn up at a time when the COmmunity 1s eogage:l in the prooess of reforming the structural Fun:is, which o.Jr.stitutes one facet of the strengtbeni.Ilg of e:xmom1 c ani soc1al cohesion require:l by Articles 130 A toE of the Trea.ty estah11shi~ the European Econom1c Colmmmity. For the purposes of implementirlg this policy the COmmunity has obta.:i.ne:l new budgetary resources. In return for acceptirlg the new respons1bi.li ties conferre:l on it by the Single European Act, an:i in a.ocordaDOe with the interinstitutional agreement on budgetary discipline ani the improvement of the budgetary proce:iure, the Conunun.ity must also ensure tbat the best poss1ble use is made of the resources allooate:l to the structural Flm:ls. It 1s therefore against a ba.ckgrolmi of stricter budgetary discipline ani 'With a determina.tion to promote tra.nspa.rency tba.t the Commission presents this report. As far as the structure of t.'ll.s report 1s conoerned, certain ~es have l:een Dade as conrpa.re:l 'With 1986. Some sections have been made more detaile:l in the light of recent experieooe in lrel'la.g~ the European Soc1a.:l FuiXi, the aim beir.g to fuli'11 the requirements arising in the context of the reform of the structural Fun:is. Certain items of .inforna tion have also been a.dde:l in response to rEqUeSts from VdXious sources, which the Commiss1on has met by incorporatirlg more ertensive annexes.
dc.publisherEuropean Commission
dc.subjectSocial Rights
dc.subjectEmployment Labor Market
dc.subjectSocial Policy
dc.titleSixteenth report on the activities of the European Social Fund - financial year 1987. Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament.
dc.typecom document

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Εμφάνιση απλής εγγραφής

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