Social policy: Πρόσφατες υποβολές
Αποτελέσματα 161-180 από 197
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Accidents at work in the EU 1998-1999.
(Eurostat, 2001)In 1998, the number of accidents at work resulting in more than three days' absence from work per 100 000 persons in employment (incidence) in the EU fell slightly, by 0.4%, to 4 089 (corresponding to 4.7 million accidents ... -
Statistics in Focus. Population and Social Conditions. Accidents at Work in the EU in 1996
(Eurostat, 1996)Since 1994, Eurostat has produced annual European statistics on accidents at work, applying a harmonised methodology based on national sources mainly of an administrative nature. This ... -
Statistics in Focus. Population and Social Conditions. Accidents at Work in the European Union in 1993: Initial Results.
(Eurostat, 1997)The Framework Directive of 12 June 1989 on health and safety at work stipulates that all employers must keep lists of accidents at work leading to an absence of more than three days. On this ... -
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions. Monetary poverty in EU Acceding and Candidate Countries.
(Eurostat, 2003)At the Laeken European Council in December 2001, European Union (EU) Heads of State and Government endorsed a first set of 18 common statistical indicators of social exclusion and poverty. Indicators are an essential element ... -
Statistics in Focus: Population and social conditions.
(Eurostat, 1995)The International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (I.C.I.D.H.) gives a typology of the three dimensions of disability (in the broad sense). -
Rapid Reports Population and social conditions
(Eurostat, 1992-05) -
Fourth Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee on the Application of the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers
(European CommissionBrussels, 1996)The Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers was adopted by eleven of the heads of state and government at the European Council of Strasbourg on 8 and 9 December 1989. The Protocol on Social Policy ... -
Report on the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers and on the Protocol on Social Policy annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community.
(European CommissionBrussels, 1995-05-25)The Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers was. adopted by eleven of the heads of state and government at the European Council of Strasbourg on 8 and 9 December 1989. The Protocol on Social Policy ... -
Third Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee on the Application of the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers.
(European CommissionBrussels, 1993-12-21)The Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers was adopted in December 1989 by the European Council of Strasbourg in the form of a solemn declaration. Given that the Community has decided to create a ... -
Second Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee on the Application of the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers.
(European CommissionBrussels, 1992-12-23)The Charter, as a European act, mere I y states and notes the rights which were the subject of deliberations In the European Council in Strasbourg in December 1989. In Itself, It has no effect on the existing legal situation. ... -
First report on the application of the Community Charter of the Fundamental Social Rights of Workers.
(European CommissionBrussels, 1991-12-05)The Charter, as a European act, merely states and notes the rights which were the subJect of deliberations in the European Counci I in Strasbourg in December 1989. In itself, it has no effect on the existing legal situation. ... -
The economic and social situation in the Community. Working paper of the Commission to the European Council, 29-30 March 1985.
(EU CommisionBrussels, 1985-03-19)At ·its last meeting in Dublin, the European Council underlined the priority given to the problem of unemployment. It considered that the guidelines uneploymented in the most recent Annual Economic Report should be speedily ... -
The economic and social situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, 3-4 December 1984.
(EU CommisionBrussels, 1984-11-29)The Commission's most recent assessment of the economic situation and the short-term outLook confirms and in some respects accentuates the prognosis which it <:ornmunicated to the European Council in June: the upturn in ... -
The economic and social situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, 25-26 June 1984.
(EU CommisionBrussels, 1984-07-09)The economic situation has changed Little since Last March when the European Council Last met. The most rBcent indicators have confirmed or accentuated the three main features of the Community economy in mid-1984. -
The economic and social situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, 19-20 March 1984.
(EU CommisionBrussels, 1984-03-14)This communication to the European Council embodies the main points set out in the document on the economic situation addressed to the Council (economic and financial affairs> and discussed by it at its meeting on 12 March ... -
The Economic and Social Situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, Stuttgart, 17-19 June 1983.
(EU CommisionBrussels, 1983-06-20) -
Economic and Social Situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, Stuttgart, 17-19 June 1983.
(EU CommisionBrussels, 1983-06-20) -
The Economic and Social Situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, Athens, 5-6 December 1983.
(EU CommisionBrussels, 1983-11-28) -
The Economic and Social Situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council of 21-22 March 1983.
(EU CommisionBrussels, 1983-03-14) -
The Economic and Social Situation in the Community. Communication from the Commission to the European Council, Brussels, 29 and 30 March -1982.
(EU CommisionBrussels, 1982-03-23)