Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Association entre la Communaute economique europeenne et la Turquie. Septieme rapport annuel d'activite du Conseil d'assocation a la Commission parlementaire d'association
(European Commission, 1971-06-29)
L'année 1970 'correspond à la sixième année d'application de l'Accord créant une Association entre la C.E.E. et la Turquie. 2. Au cours de l'année 1970, les relations entre la c.E.E. et la Turquie ont été dominées, comme ...
Regular report from the Commission on Turkey's progress towards accession 2005.
(European Commission, 2005-11-09)
Following the conclusions of the Luxembourg European Council in December 1997, the Commission has reported regularly to the Council and the Parliament on progress made by the candidate states in preparing for ...
Association entre la Communaute economique europeenne et la Turquie. Quatorzieme rapport annuel d'activite du Conseil d'assocation a la Commission parlementaire d'association (1er janvier au 31 decembre 1978) = Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Fourteenth annual report on the activity of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association (1 January to 31 December 1978)
(European Commission, 1980-03-18)
L'année 1978 couverte ~ar le présent rapport d'activité a été la 14è~e année après l'entrée en vigueur de l'Accord d'"h~~ara. Elle a été marquée surtout ~ar les efforts des deux parties pour surr.1onter le cli~at de ...
Association between the European Economic Community and Turkey. Fourteenth annual report of the Association Council to the Parliamentary Committee of the Association
(European Commission, 1980-03-18)
The year covered by this report, 1978, was the 14th since the Ankara Agreement entered into force. It was principally marked by the efforts of the two Parties to overcome the stagnation into which the Association had drifted ...
Commission decision of 29.06.2009 on a Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) 2009-2011 for Turkey.
(European Commission, 2009-06-29)
Turkey benefits from all five components of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance(IPA)1 including: (IPA-I) the Transition Assistance and Institution Building component; (IPA-II) the Cross-Border Cooperation ...
2008 Annual report on Phare, Turkey pre-accession, Cards and transition facility. Report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee.
(European Commission, 2009-12-21)
This report and the associated background document cover the implementation of Phare1, Turkey pre-accession instrument2, CARDS3 and Transition Facility4 programmes during the year 2008, with a cut-off ...
Pre-accession Economic Programme Macedonia 2008-2010
(European Commission, 2007-11)
Basis for preparation of Pre-Accession Economic Programme By acquiring the status of a candidate country in November 2005, the Republic of Macedonia undertook the obligation to submit to the European Commission, ...
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) 2011-2013. Albania
(European Commission, 2011)
The purpose of this Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD) is to set out the EU's priorities for assistance to Albania for the programming period 2011-2013. The MIPDs are based on the needs identified ...