Quick appraisal of major project application: Innovative installation manufacturing ultra-clean monochloroacetic acid

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European Commission. Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy
Corporate name
European Commission / Directorate General for Regional PolicyDate
2013-04Subject headings
Chemical industry ; EU/EC Regional Fund ; Research and development ; Industrial research. Industrial innovationAbstract
Project application “Innovative installation manufacturing ultra-clean monochloroacetic acid” (“Project”) was submitted by the company PCC P4 Sp. z o. o. (“PCC P4” or “Beneficiary”). According to the information presented in the application dossier, the company PCC P4 sp. z o. o. was registered in 2010 as a special purpose vehicle. PCC P4 is owned (100% shares) by MCAA SE, ultimately owned by Duisburg based company – PCC SE. The company does not fulfil the criteria of an SME company. The production will be performed with technology provided by the Capital Group, in which PCC SE is the main entity, in cooperation with research and development entities. PCC P4 will poses human resources and technical know-how enabling an efficient Project execution. The main aim of the Project is to build new chemical production facility. The Beneficiary assumes the construction of an innovative installation manufacturing ultra-clean monochloroacetic acid (“U-P MCAA”) with the capacity of 42,000 tons per year, adjacent facilities and the creation of an R&D department. The Project is the result of many years of R&D, which aimed mainly to finding a technology capable to enter a new market in terms of production monochloracetic acid with the highest degree of cleanliness. The Beneficiary considers it a niche with low but sustainable growth. Recipients of the output are located throughout the world. Indeed, the product does not require further processing after its production and it be transported worldwide. The investment will be located in Poland, in an industrial site of Brzeg Dolny, Poviat Wołowski, Lower Silesia Region, where other chemical companies are based. The maximum aid intensity for Lower Silesia is 40%. The beneficiary envisages an implementation period starting from July 2011 to August 2015. According to the application dossier total cost of the Project is estimated at 272,447,600.10 PLN (EUR 68,573,053.81). During the implementation (in 2011-2015) PCC P4 is going to finance Project by three resources: own resources, loan from PCC SE and the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013 (the amount of EUR 16,862,225.35 including EUR 14,332,892.40 EU contribution and EUR 2,529,33.95 national public finance). The project is in line with the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013, 4th Priority Axis ”Investments in innovative projects”. The Project is coherent with the priority axis’s main goal, i.e. the development of the Polish economy on the basis of innovative establishments, as well as with measure 4.5 Support for investment of high importance to the economy. The Project meets the requirement of improving the competitiveness and raising the level of economy innovation by supporting companies engaged in manufacturing and service performing high-value and generating a large number of jobs, investments of high innovative potential.