Πλοήγηση 001.05.00 European Union and European Communities in general ανά Τίτλο
Αποτελέσματα 1-20 από 83
A new transparent European cohesion policy
(European Union. Regional Policy, 2006-12) -
Advanced technologies for industry, policy brief Impact of technological transformation on regional development
(doi : 10.2826/22878Luxembourg, 2021-09-17)This Policy Brief has been developed in the framework of the Advanced Technologies for Industry (ATI) project, initiated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship ... -
Agriculture and Fisheries
(European Commisiom, 2004-10-18) -
BACKGROUND 1 COMPETITIVENESS COUNCIL (Internal market, Industry and Research)
(European CommisiomBrussels, 2004-09-24)The Council session under the chair of Mr. Brinkhorst, Dutch Minister for Economic Affairs and Mrs. Van der Hoeven Dutch Minister for Education, Science and Culture, will start on Friday 24 September at 10 o’clock. ... -
Black Sea Extroversion at European and International Level
(2005-12-31) -
Cohesion policy 2007-13 : commentaries and official texts: European Regional Development Fund, European Social Fund, Cohesion Fund, European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance
(Offi ce for Offi cial Publications of the European Communities, 2007) -
COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT EVALUATION of the Research and Technological Development (RTD) infrastructures and activities supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the period 2007- 2013
(Publications Office of the European UnionBrussels, 2023-03-24)The general objective of this SWD is to report on the ex-post evaluation of investment in Research and Technological Development (RTD) infrastructures and activities supported by the European Regional Development Fund ... -
Common Provisions Regulation 2021-2027
(2018-10-17) -
Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament : Thematic Programme for the promotion of democracy and human rights worldwide under the future Financial Perspectives (2007-2013)
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2006-01-25) -
Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions : Commission Legislative and Work Programme 2007
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2006-10-24) -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and Committee of the Regions : Annual Policy Strategy for 2007 : Boosting trust through action
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2006-03-14) -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions : Commission Legislative and Work Programme 2008
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2007-10-23) -
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, The Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: the European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion: a European framework for social and territorial cohesion
(European Commission, 2010-12-12)The EU has identified restoring economic growth and providing more and better jobs as key factors in fighting poverty. In order to help achieve this, the European Commission proposes establishing a European Platform against ... -
Consumer Policy Action Plan 1999-2001 : Communication from the Commission
(Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1998) -
Data governance and data policies at the European Commission
(European CommisionBrussels, 2020-07)The Juncker Commission put great emphasis on improving policymaking and internal processes by making it easier to access internal and external data, and extract insights from these data with advanced digital technologies. ... -
Delegations will find attached the revised version of the Presidency Conclusions of the Brussels European Council
(European CommisiomBrussels, 2004-07-19) -
Energy and regional development
(European Union. Regional Policy, 2006-09) -
Enhanced surveillance framework for Greece
(European CommissionBrussels, 2019-04-03)On 3 April 2019, the Commission adopted an update of the second Enhanced Surveillance Report detailing progress in implementing policy commitments. The update concluded that Greece had taken the necessary actions to achieve ...