dc.description.abstract | The Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership Trust Fund (FTF) was financed by 17
EU Member States, the United Kingdom, and the European Commission and is managed by the EIB.
The FTF aimed to help the EIB overcome capacity and expertise gaps in the Mediterranean Partner
Countries (MPCs) and to create the conditions for stronger engagement in the region. To this end, it
provided technical assistance, capacity building and risk capital funding in the MPCs.
This evaluation assesses the relevance and achievements of the FTF and draws lessons for the future.
It seeks to inform the donors’ deliberations on the future of the trust fund, including the decision on
its potential replenishment. It provides an independent assessment of the Fund’s relevance, results,
and management.
The evaluation covers all activities undertaken by the FTF since 2004 in seven FEMIP countries (Tunisia,
Palestine, Morocco, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, and Algeria). These activities were implemented in a
range of sectors: finance and MSMEs, transport, environment, climate change and energy, research,
development and innovation, and human capital.
The evaluation is based on a combination of data collection and analysis methods including
documentary review, portfolio analysis, stakeholders’ interviews, comparison with other sources of
funding and 14 in-depth case studies. |