Environmental statement 2021. 2020 data
com doc
: General Secretariat of the Council
2022-06-04Subject headings
Council of the European Union ; Biodiversity ; Energy consumption ; Sustainable development ; Environmental lawAbstract
The European Council is an institution that defines
the general political direction and priorities of the
European Union (EU). It sets the EU’s policy agenda,
usually by adopting conclusions during European
Council meetings, which identify issues of concern and
actions to take. However, it is not one of the Union’s
legislative institutions, so it does not negotiate or adopt
EU legislation.
The members of the European Council are the heads
of state or government of the Member States of the
European Union, the President of the European Council
and the President of the European Commission. The
High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs
and Security Policy also takes part in European Council
The European Council meets at least twice every six
months. Its meetings, often referred to as ‘EU summits’,
are held in Brussels and are chaired by the President of
the European Council, who can convene extraordinary
European Council meetings when needed.