Environmental signals 2002 Benchmarking the millennium : European Environment Agency regular indicator report
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European Environment Agency
2022-09-27Subject headings
European Environment Agency ; Activity report ; Environmental protection ; EU environmental policyAbstract
Environmental signals 2002 is the third in a series of indicator-based reports from the European Environment Agency. These regular assessments highlight progress in a number of environmental policy areas, covering both implementation of environmental policies and their integration with other policies. Each report in the Environmental signals series contains a specific selection of major environmental issues in the centre of policy attention and deals with progress in integration environmental concerns within the activities of a number of societal sectors. The report's main target group is high-level policy-makers in EEA member countries and the Community institutions. However, the report contains a wealth of significant information for policy-makers in the Accession countries and everyone else interested in the state and development of environmental issues in Europe.