An overhaul of the European fiscal framework? An analysis of the Commission proposal and key issues for the negotiations on a reformed Stability and Growth Pact

com doc
Jacques Delors Institute
Eisl, Andreas
2022-11Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
European commission ; Stabilityand growthpact ; EconomyΠερίληψη
This policy brief has two main objectives.
First, it analyses the key elements of the
recent European Commission proposal to
reform the European fiscal framework. It
highlights a switch in the overall logic of the
Stability and Growth pact (SGP), an attempt
to increase national ownership of European
fiscal rule requirements, and the inclusion
of an incentive structure for public invest-
ment and reforms. Second, the blogpost
raises several issues of particular relevance
for the forthcoming political negotiations on
a reformed SGP. Due to the European fiscal
framework’s high degree of complexity and
technicality, if focuses on three key aspects
of the Commission’s reform proposal. This
includes (1) open questions regarding the
actual minimum fiscal consolidation require-
ments imposed on member states, (2)
challenges of the new fiscal-structural plans
for democratic choice, and (3) the poten-
tial inadequacy of the incentive structure to
ensure sufficient public investment in light of
the climate crisis. The blogpost will conclude
with some final remarks on the forthcoming
Αριθμός σελίδων
Research fellowThe document may be reproduced in part or in full on the dual condition that its meaning is not distorted and that the source is mentioned • The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher • The Jacques Delors Institute cannot be held responsible for the use which any third party may make of the document • Original version • Edited by Anne- Julia Manaranche