2022 Rule of Law Report Country Chapter on the rule of law situation in Czechia Accompanying the document Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions 2022 Rule of Law Report The rule of law situation in the European Union

staff working document
European Commission
2022-07-13Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
COVID-19 pandemic ; Ministry of Justice ; Anti-Corruption Strategy ; Corruption-related investigationsΠερίληψη
The new Government has announced several reforms related to the Czech justice system, some
of which follow up on efforts of the previous Government. A planned reform of disciplinary
proceedings against judges aims to introduce the possibility to appeal and a new reform of the
prosecution service is under preparation, introducing, among others, changes relating to the
term of office and dismissal of the Prosecutor General. Both initiatives aim to further strengthen
the independence of the justice system. An amendment of the selection procedure for judges
has entered into force. Efforts to improve the digitalisation of justice, including publication of
judgments and preparation of a digital file management system, progress slowly. Efficiency of
proceedings has improved in the administrative justice system.
The legal and institutional framework to address corruption is broadly in place, and the new
Government has prioritised some anti-corruption measures. The Government is drafting a new
Anti-Corruption Strategy to be implemented as of 2023 but concerns exist over the effective
and consistent implementation of all measures in the current strategy and action plan. Several
planned reforms were not adopted before the end of the parliamentary term in 2021, including
on lobbying, whistleblowing, the Supreme Audit Office mandate, and a code of conduct for
members of Parliament. The new Government has announced its intention to continue to fight
corruption, including through pending legislative reforms on conflicts of interest and
whistleblower protection. Cases of high-level corruption remain a concern, in particular in a
context of delayed proceedings. In addition, the use of presidential pardoning power in a high level corruption case led to public debate. Ethics rules for both chambers of the Parliament
remain lacking. Rules on revolving doors for members of Government, Parliament and civil
service remain limited. An evaluation of the legislation on political party financing is planned.
Constitutional rules guarantee freedom of expression and the right to information. Rules to
enhance transparency of beneficial ownership of media outlets enacted in 2021 still require full
implementation and concerns persist with regard to the lack of full ownership transparency as
well as conflict of interests. The independence of the Czech media regulator is expected to be
further enhanced, while political controversies affecting Czech public service television have
led to calls to overhaul the Czech Television Act given that the current system does not prevent
the political majority in the Chamber of Deputies, via political influence over the Councils,
from securing the dismissal of a Director-General. Unlike the case with most sectors of the
economy, the media sector did not benefit from any specific support scheme to counter the
effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. There have been no developments with regard to state
advertising and access to information. Support for the needs of journalists and their working
conditions is missing while harassment of journalists remains part of the political landscape