Implementing Smart Specialisation Strategies, Analysis of the Role of Regional Strategies in National Innovation Strategies

European Commission
Kelchtermans, M.
Klinc, Ewik z.
Kardas, M.
2021Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Regional Strategies ; National InnovationΠερίληψη
The report analyses the progress of Member States in the implementation of national and regional smart specialisation strategies (RIS3) in 2017 through an assessment of policy developments, progress in implement ation of t he different st rategies, monit oring mec hanisms and observed impac ts. Using public ly available dat a as well as an expert survey, the analysis shows that in most c ountries RIS3 proc esses have been conducted at bot h nat ional and regional levels. The use of t hematic priorit ies for research and innovation, engaging stakeholders and opening up to bottom-up init iat ives oft en implied a radical c hange t o previous polic ymaking practices. An analysis of RIS3 indic at ors suggests t hat a proper ‘priority taxonomy’ is lac king, raising doubts whether countries and regions are truly selec tive in set ting priorit ies, whether t hey align t he priorit y setting process between the nat ional and regional level and whet her t he result ing set of priorities is really a factor of differentiation for c ountries and regions. The impact of RIS3 as a policy paradigm appears more pronounced among the moderate and modest innovators. The report concludes by highlighting the need for more granular indic ators to analyse RIS3 priorit ies as well as their implement ation and impact.