Special Eurobarometer 435, Climate Change

European Commission
Republic of Cyprus
2015-06-08Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Climate change ; Clear Energy ; Fighting Climate ChangeΠερίληψη
Respondents in Cyprus are now more likely to say that climate change is a “very serious” problem than in 2013(76%, +5 points since 2013), while just over one in ten identify climate change as the most serious problem facingthe world (11%).They are less likely than in 2013 to say that they have taken personal action to fight climate change in the pastsix months (48%, -6 points). However, when presented with a list of specific measures, a much higher level ofaction is actually revealed (92%). This includes: • Trying to reduce and regularly separate waste (78%, +22 percentage points since 2013)• Buying locally produced food whenever possible (48%, +27 percentage points since 2013)• Trying to cut down consumption of disposable items (37%, +22 percentage points since 2013) Some 81% “totally agree” that fighting climate change will only be effective if all countries of the world acttogether, the highest score in the EU. A large majority think it is “very important” for the national government toset targets to increase the use of renewable energy (83%, well above the EU average of 52%) and provide support for improving energy efficiency by 2030 (82%, compared to the EU average of 52%).