Statistical bulletin. Education and training. Public Expenditure on Education and Training in the Community in 1981. 1985.1

working document
1985-05-15Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Educational trainingΠερίληψη
Education and training financed by central and Local governments in the Community of Nine and carried out in both public and private institutions amounted to 120.6 billion ECU in 1981. Th f s, represented 11.5% of total public expenditure and 5.4% of gross domestic product, with variations about these figures in individual Member States. Compared with the previous year, public expenditure on education and training rose by 11.9% at current prices and by 1.2% at constant prices, i.e. in real terms. Particularly high increases in real terms were made in Italy (9.6%), Ireland (9.2%) and Luxembourg (7.3%), whilst in the Netherlands and Belgium expenditure in real terms actually fell slightly.