Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1985.6

working document
1985-07-18Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Employment/ Unemployment ; Employment Labor MarketΠερίληψη
At the end of June 12.1 million persons were registered employment offices in the Community <excluding Greece), likely to be recorded in 1985. The unemployment rate among king population was 10.7% for men and women, with rates of 11.8% for women. 18 July 1985 as unemployed at the lowest level the civilian wor-10.1% for men and The number of persons registered as unemployed at the end of June 1985 showed an increase of 328.000 <2,8%) over one year earlier. Of these, about 240.000 were women (+ 4.9% against+ 1.2% for men). The number of persons aged under 25 registered as unemployed in the Community was the same as one year before (4.4 million). This group accounted for 36.5% of total unemployment compared with 37.5% one year earlier. Young persons now account for 32.7% of male unemployment and 41.6% of female unemployment. The unchanged number of unemployed persons aged under 25 in the Community con-ceals differing trends in the individual Member States. Thus, there was a drop of over 10% in Denmark and the Netherlands, a fall of 5% in Belgium and France and virtually no change in the Federal Republic of Germany, while there was a rise of over 6% in Ireland and Luxembourg and an increase of 4% in the United Kingdom and Italy.