Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. 1985.12

working document
1986-01-20Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentΠερίληψη
Following an increase of more than 150 000 persons in December, owing largely to seasonal factors, the number of persons registered as unemployed at unem-ployment offices in the Community of the Nine rose to 12.9 million at the end of 1985. The rate for registered unemployed rose from 11.2% at the end of No-vember to 11.3% at the end of December 1985. In 1985 the average number of registered unemployed in the Community (exclu-ding Greece, Spain and Portugal) was 12.7 million. If these three Member Sta-tes are included, the average number of registered unemployed was 15.8 million.
Αριθμός σελίδων
ΑγγλικάΣημείωση of No 1/1986 the monthly bulletin will be extended to all twelve Member States. Accordingly, by way of exception, publication may be delayed until the end of February 1986.