Statistical Bulletin. Employment and unemployment. The Employment and the Unemployment of Young People under 25 Years Old (Employment and Unemployment). 1983.1

working document
1983-04-27Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Economic and Financial Affairs ; Statistics ; Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentΠερίληψη
In the European Community more than one in four young people aged under 25 years was seeking employment at the end of March 1983. The young persons' unemployment rate, amounting to 26.4% for the Community of Nine, has been estimated by the Statistical Office of the European Community for the first time. It allows a comparison to be made of the order of magnitude of such unemployment between the different countries; something which cannot be done on the basis only of registered unemployment, having regard to the differences in legislation and administration practices in the Member States. This unemployment rate is an up-dating to the end of March 1983 of the results of the 1981 Commu-nity Labour Force survey. About one young person in three was unemployed in four Member States: Nether-lands (35%), Italy (34%), Denmark (34%) and Belgium (33%). In three other coun-tries the figure was close to the Community average of one in four: United King-dom (28%), France (27%) and Ireland (26%); whilst in the Federal Republic of Germany the rate was appreciably lower (15%).
Αριθμός σελίδων
Office for Official Publications of the European CommunitiesΤόπος έκδοσης
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