Monthly Bulletin. Employment. Monthly statistics of registered unemployed in the Community. April 1983. 1983.4

working document
1983-05-18Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment/ Unemployment ; Employment Labor MarketΠερίληψη
At the end of April 1983 there were 11.9 million persons registered as unemployed at public employment offices in the Community of Nine, corresponding to an unemploy-ment rate of 10.7% of the civilian working population. The absolute figures of unemployment showed a fall of 2% compared with the pre-vious month, mainly due to normal seasonal factors. The seasonally adjusted figure,-however, indicates a· further. very slight r.ise in unemployment in the Community of Nine compared with end-March 1983. Compared with the month of April 1982, the number unemployed in the Community has risen by 16% on average. This increase amounted to +32% in the F.R. of Germany, +28% in the Netherlands and +27% in Ireland. The increase was close to the Community ave-rage in the other Member countries with the exception of France where unemployment remained practically stable over the past year.