Statistics in focus. Industry, Trade and Services. Transport Business Statistics. 440 thousand road haulage enterprises in the EU employ 1.7 million persons and contribute a 'value added' of 66 billion ECU.

Working Document
EU Commission
1999-02-15Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Transportation PolicyΠερίληψη
Road freight transport plays a dominant role in freight transport in Europe. 'Freight transport by road' is aprofitable part ofthe transport sector. It comprises road freight transport and road haulage. Other transport sectors arerailways, water, air, and 'supporting and auxiliary activities' When comparing the road haulage sector with the transport sector as a whole, we can draw the following conclusions: • Road freight transport enterprises have fewer persons employed per enterprise. • Theshare of self-employed is 26%, compared to 10% for the transport sector. • The turnover per person employed is much lower. • The labour productivity (the value added atfactor cost / personnel costs) is much higher.