Statistical Telegram. Monthly Statistics of the registered unemployed in the community, December 1980.

working document
1981-01-15Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentΠερίληψη
In the Community of nine, 7.9 million persons were registered as unemployed at the end of December 1980, representing 7.2% of the civilian working population. The position has thus continued to deteriorate during the month of December, to an extent very much exceeding the normal seasonal rise. In the Community as a whole, unemployment rose by 4. 2% between November and December 1980. All member countries showed an increase although this varied very much between the different countries. In a single month unemployment went up by 15.$% in the F.R. of Germany, 10% in Denmark, 8.7% in the Nether-lands and 7.9% in Luxembourg. These high rates of increase are in continuation of those observed in these countries since September: unemployment has risen in three months by 36% in the F.R. of Germany, by 35% in Luxembourg, by 33% in Denmark and by 20% in the Netherlands. Ireland, with a very high rate of unemployment, nevertheless recorded a continuing increase (+ 6.3% and+ 15.7% by reference to November and September 1980}. However, for the other countries having high unemployment rates, the numbers of registered unemployed appear to be rising much more slowly (United Kingdom + 3.3%, France and Belgium + 1.2%, Italy + o. &fo).
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