Rapid Information. Employment in the Community in 1979 (Employment and Unemployment). Revised Version.

working document
1980-08-08Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentΠερίληψη
According to the most recent estimates made by the national statistical ser-vices, the civilian working population of the Community rose to IO9.4 million in 1979. Between 1974 and 1979f "this working population increased by 3.1$ although the total population grew only slightly (+ 1.0$). The activity rate (working population as a percentage of the total population) has, as a result, risen from 41.2$ in 1974 to 42.1$ in 1979· It is noteworthy that this rate is declining for men while the female participation in working life continues to increase (28.6$ in 1974, 30.7$ in 1979). In spite of a continuing high level of unemployment, civilian employment in the Community increased by 0,3$ in 1979· This increase was greater for female employment (+ 1,7$) than for male employment (+ 0,3$). It may be noted that v;ithin the last five years employment of women increased by 5$, but employment of men remained rather unchanged.
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