Rapid Information. Demographic and social statistics. Unemployment in the European Community: 1974-1979.

working document
1980-05Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentΠερίληψη
During the period under review (1974 to 1979) the labour market in the European Community was influenced not only by general and cyclical fluc-tuations but also by persistent structural crises in a number of indus-trial sectors. Capacities were reduced and automated production techniques accompanied by job cutbacks -were introduced in the iron and steel indus-try, shipbuilding and the textile and printing trades. At the same time there has been a persistently large demand for jobs on the part of women. Du.ring this period unempl oyment i n the Community increased from year to year. The average number of unemployed persons registered with the public employment offices almost doubled from 1974 to 1979, rising from 3.1 to 6.0 million. The percentage of unempl oyed among the civilian working pop-ulation rose from 2.9% in 1974 to 5.6% in 1979.
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