Statistical Telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.

working document
1978-09-18Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment/ Unemployment ; Employment Labor MarketΠερίληψη
The number of registered unemployed in the Community rose again during August to reach a level of almost 6 million persons at the end of the month. The percentage of registered unemployed in the civilian working population rose to 5.6 % at the end of August. The rate of growth of registered unemployment in the Community was very much less than that of July (1.9 % as against 5.2 %). The same tendency was, however, observed in 1977. The seasonally corrected data show that the rate of increase has reduced slightly for the Community as a whole.
Αριθμός σελίδων
ΑγγλικάΣημείωση 3:STATISTICS IN FOCUS/RAPID REPORTS:Employment and Unemployment