Statistical telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community

working document
1977-02Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ Unemployment ; StatisticsΠερίληψη
In spite of a reduction of about one hundred thousand in unemployment in February 1977 compared with January 19771 nearly 5.8 million people remain registered as unemployed. The reduction for the Community is about 2 $, and results from falls of 8 $ in Luxembourg, 3 # in the Netherlands, the Federal Republic of Germany and in Belgium, 2 % in the United Kingdom and 1 $ in France, Italy and Ireland. These reductions can be attributed to the normal seasonal variations. However, there are about two hundred thousand, or about 3 $>i more unemployed now than in February 1976, the corresponding month of last year. Only the Federal Republic of Germany and the Netherlands show reductions (- 10 $ and - 8 $) while the other countries all show increases * Denmark (+ 17 $)» Belgium (+ 15 #), the United Kingdom (+<?£), France (+ 8 £), Italy (+ 7 %), and Ireland(+ 1 jo).