Statistical telegram. Monthly statistics of registered unemployment in the European Community.

working document
1977-01Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Statistics ; Employment Labor Market ; Employment/ UnemploymentΠερίληψη
Unemployment is usually high for seasonal reasons in the first months of the year. It is not surprising therefore, that the number of unemployed registered at employment offices in the European Community 5,5 million at the end of December 1976 increased to 5·9 million in January 1977. This increase on the previous month for the Community as a whole of 7.5 % is the result of ircreases of 17 % in Denmark, 15 $ in Germany, 9 $ in Italy, 6 % in the United Kingdom, 4 % in the Netherlands, 3 % in Prance, 2 % in Ireland and 1 % in Belgium.
Αριθμός σελίδων
ΑγγλικάΣημείωση 3:STATISTICS IN FOCUS/RAPID REPORTS:Employment and Unemployment