Structure and Activity of Industry: Data by Regions 1984/1985.

Working Document
EU Commission
1989Προβολή/ Άνοιγμα
Θεματικές επικεφαλίδες
Industrial Policy ; StatisticsΠερίληψη
This Statistical Office of the European Communities (SOEC) publication contains the regional results by country of surveys carried out under Council Directive 72/221/EEC of 6 June 1972, for the most recent year for which figures are available. The information on fixed capital investment was obtained through the specific surveys provided for by Council Directive 64/475/EEC of 20 July 1964. The survey covers all industrial undertakings and small businesses employing at least 20 persons and whose principal activity is listed in one of the divisions of NACE covering industry or building and civil engineering (NACE 1 to 5). The national results by undertaking and KAU are set out in a specific annual publication entitled Structure and activity of industry, main results. The statistical unit for regional data is the local unit 'établissement' — a geographically separate production unit with one or more persons working for a single enterprise, including dependent satellite units in the immediate vicinity. For all countries, the figures given as national totals are taken from the survey on enterprises (national surveys), and the variable (V01) 'number of units' applies to the number of firms employing at least 20 persons, except in the case of Spain and Portugal, for which the total is the actual total of local units, and the United Kingdom, where the unit is the 'establishment' (employing at least 20 persons).' The regional 'number of units' variable applies to local units falling within the units covered by the national survey. For a given activity sector, the number of persons employed nationally is not necessarily the same as the sum of the regional figures. This is due to the classification system: an undertaking classified by principal activity may include local units with different activities. The tables contain many explanatory notes. Those referring to the different countries apply to all regions of the country concerned and deal with the scope of the surveys, definitions of variables and the basis of division into sectors. Regional notes apply solely to the groupings specific to the region concerned.
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