Now showing items 1-20 of 29

  • Monitoring and managing restructuring in the 21st century : ERM annual report 2013 

    Hurley, John; Storrie, Donald; Mandl, Irene; Riso, Sara; Gerogiannis, Elias; Vacas, Carlos; Broughton, Andrea (Publications Office, 2013)
    The 2013 annual report from the European Restructuring Monitor (ERM) presents a retrospective of over a decade of measuring the impact of large-scale restructuring activity in Europe. Based on a database containing details ...
  • Public policy and support for restructuring in SMEs 

    European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 2013)
    Across Europe, restructuring in SMEs receives less public attention than large-scale restructuring. However, the recent economic crisis has sharpened policy focus in this area. The current discussion centres around the ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs Greece 

    Λαμπριανίδης, Λόης; Βογιατζής, Νίκος (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs Portugal 

    Pereira, Dina; Leitão, João (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs Slovenia 

    Širec, Karin; Rebernik, Miroslav (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Austria 

    Mandl, Irene (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Belgium 

    Musialski, Cécile (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Bulgaria 

    Krastenova, Elena; Pavlov, Vladimir (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Czech Republic 

    Bučinová, Lucie; Bučina, Petr; Dužár, Jiří; Hruška, Vladan (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Denmark 

    Bendtsen, Jan (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Estonia 

    Rozeik, Andrew (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Finland 

    Akola, Elisa; Havupalo, Niko (Eurofound, 2013)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: France 

    Riso, Sara (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Germany 

    Mandl, Irene (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Hungary 

    Petheő, Attila; Filep, Judit (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Ireland 

    Martin, Tom (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Italy 

    Salvatore, Lidia (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Latvia 

    Sauka, Arnis (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Lithuania 

    Saldžiūnienė, Danguolė; Piesarskas, Edmundas (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...
  • Restructuring in SMEs: Luxembourg 

    Musialski, Cécile (Eurofound, 2013-05-14)
    Based on information derived from 85 case studies across all EU Member States and other sources, the project outlines the features peculiar to SMEs in their anticipation and management of restructuring, explores the main ...

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